The winter conference took place on December 5 and 6 in The Hague, in the premises of the Dutch Police Training Center. Before the event kicked off, the week started with a workshop dedicated to law enforcement agencies, organized by the EITHOS project and ended with a two-day meeting on the BroadEU.Net program .
In 2024, Europe will host many major international events such as the Olympic and Paralympic Games in Paris and the European Football Championship. Also, we wonder how national and European agencies and all stakeholders are currently preparing to be as ready as possible in order to face the risks of threats to the security of citizens.
The first day of the conference was dedicated to the presentation of different national and international examples of resilient communication systems. This day was animated by interventions from the Ministry of the Interior français, the American Cybersecurity and Infrastructure Security Agency, the Dutch Police and the Brazilian Federal Police who presented the management of the Rio Olympic Games.
The second day provided a better understanding of the operational challenges on the ground in terms of emergency management and security during large-scale events, with interventions from the National Railway Company français, Red Cross française, the FirstNet Authority, the Austrian Institute of Technology and Europol.
The public also had the opportunity to discover innovative solutions in the field of public protection and disaster relief through the 5G-Epicentre and Shield4Crowd projects.
The event concluded with a collaborative session on critical applications. Participants were able to discuss current challenges, needs and tools that will ensure a transition to an interoperable communication system dedicated to critical missions.
More than 80 participants from industry, research and first response organizations attended the event, highlighting the need and interest for continued discussions on current support measures as well as the way forward to develop solutions to better support crisis management, public safety communications and the protection of public spaces during and after large-scale events.
From a free translation of the article The Critical Communications Review - 2023 PSCE Winter Conference Successfully Highlights Critical Communications for Large Scale Events